selected terms: 3,912 | page 20 of 56 |
- (kwo) initiative
- (kwo) engineer
- (zwo) incarnate |
inkarna - (kwo) incarnation
- (kwo) slant, slope; physical tilt or bend; inclination (act; mental tendency) |
flanka-inklina - (kwo) list, heel, careen, bank |
inklini - (zwo) incline (bend; slope; tend)
- (zwo) include |
inklusi-yen - (konekti) including |
inklusa - (kwo) inclusion
- (zwo) encomber, obstruct, block, hinder in passing
- (zwo) inquire, make inquiries
- (gramatika) marks non-immediate relatives |
mata-inloo - (kwo) mother-in-law |
brata-inloo - (kwo) cousin |
son-inloo - (kwo) nephew |
kindocha-inloo - (kwo) grandniece |
brata-inloo-inloo - (kwo) second cousin
- (zwo) fall in love (with) |
Lu es inluben om/in ela. - He is in love with her. |
inluba - (kwo) the state of having fallen in love
- (zwo) immure, mure, wall up, brick up |
(Origin: in+mur+isi)
- (kwel) innocent, guileless, artless |
inosensia - (kwo) innocence
- (konekti) instead (of), in place (of) |
Dai a me sey kalam inplas toy-la. - Give me this pencil instead of that one. |
Go dar inplas me! - Go there instead of me! |
Gai zwo inplas shwo. - One should act, not speak. |
Lu plei inplas gun. - He plays instead of working. |
inplasi - (zwo) be instead of, fill in, act as a substitute
- (kwo) insect
- (zwo) insert, put in, set in |
inserta - (kwo) insertion
- (kwo) incident, occurrence
- (zwo) insist
- (zwo) inspire (by divine instruction, poetic spirit, ideas) |
inspira - (kwo) inspiration
- (zwo) install |
instali swa - (zwo) install oneself |
Afte instali swa in may favorite stula, me bu pri en-stan. - Once I've installed myself in my favourite chair, I don't like to get up. |
instala - (kwo) installation
- (kwo) instinct |
instinkta-ney - (kwel) instinctive
- (kwo) institute
- (kwo) instruction (directions on procedure, a direction to be obeyed - cf. "talim") |
instrukti - (zwo) instruct, brief, give instructions |
instrukting - (kwo) briefing, instruction
- (zwo) insult, affront |
insulta - (kwo) insult, affront
- (kwel) integral, entire, complete, whole, all parts properly united and present |
integritaa - (kwo) integrity, entirety |
teritoriale integritaa - territorial integrity |
integri - (zwo) integrate (intr./tr.) |
integrisi - (zwo) integrate, render entire |
integrifi - (zwo) integrate (intr.) |
integrisa, integrifa - (kwo) integration
- (kwel) clever |
nointele - (kwel) silly, stupid |
(cf. "saje")
- (kwo) intellect |
intelekta-ney - (kwel) intellectual
- (kwel) intense, intensive |
intensisi - (zwo) intensify (tr.) |
intensifi - (zwo) intensify (intr.)
- (zwo) intend, purpose, have in mind |
intenta - (kwo) intention, purpose |
hao intenta - good intentions |
pa intenta - on purpose, intentionally |
sin intenta - unintentionally |
intenta-ney (intente) - (kwel) intentional, deliberate, premeditated |
intenta-nem (intentem) - (komo) intentionally, on purpose
- (konekti) between |
inter skay e arda - between the sky and the earth |
mutuale samaja inter jenmin - mutual understanding between the peoples |
interen - (komo) between (them), in between; in the meantime
- (kwo) interest (attention, concern) |
interes-ney - (kwel) interesting |
interesi - (zwo) interest |
se interesi me gro - it interests me greatly |
fai interes om koysa- take an interest in smth |
defai interes om koysa - lose interest in smth
- (zwo) intervene, interfere |
interfai inter gambas - get under smb's feet
- (zwo) intermit
- (kwel) international |
Syn.: interjenmin-ney
- (kwel) internal |
Syn.: inen-ney |
Ant.: externe
- (kwo) Internet
- (zwo) interlace, intertwine |
(Origin: inter+plexi)
- (zwo) interrupt, break off
- (zwo) exchange; interchange |
intershanja - (kwo) exchange; interchange
- (kwo) interspace |
(Origin: inter+spas)
- (kwo) a period between |
pa intertaim - (komo) in the meanwhile, meantime |
Ta ve lai sun. Pi ba kahwa pa intertaim. - He'll be back soon. Meantime, have a cup of coffee. |
(Origin: inter+taim)
- (kwo) interval
- (kwo) interview |
intervyui - (zwo) interview
- (zwo) intrigue |
intriga - (kwo) intrigue
- (zwo) introduce (begin, preface; put inside or into; bring into use; provide smb with a beginning knowledge - cf. "prisenti") |
introdukta - (kwo) introduction
- (zwo) intrude |
intrusa - (kwo) intrusion
- (kwo) intuition |
intuision-ney - (kwel) intuitive
- (loko-komo) into |
Ela lopi-te inu shamba. - She ran into the room. |
Kan inu! - Look inside! |
Nulwan mog transformi fer inu golda. - Nobody can change iron into gold.
- (zwo) inundate, flood |
inunda - (kwo) flood, inundation
- (zwo) inhale, breathe in |
inuspira - (kwo) inhalation |
Ant.: ausspiri
- (zwo) invade |
invada - (kwo) invasion
- (kwo) invalid (one who is sickly or disabled)
- (zwo) invent |
inventa - (kwo) invention
- (kwel) inverse, inverted |
inversem - (komo) vice versa |
inversa - (kwo) the contrary, the reverse, opposite
- (zwo) investigate, research, inquire into |
investiga - (kwo) investigation, research
- (zwo) invite |
invita - (kwo) invitation
- (zwo) inject |
inyekta - (kwo) injection
- (zwo) find fault, carp, cavil, nag |
- (zwo) be angry (om koysa/koywan - at/with smth/smb) |
ira - (kwo) anger, ire, wrath |
gro-ira - great anger, rage |
ira-ney - (kwel) angry, cross |
ira-nem - (komo) angrily, crossly |
irisi - (zwo) anger, enrage |
irisi-ney - (kwel) incensed, infuriated, enraged |
irishil - (kwel) short-tempered
- (kwo) irony |
ironike - (kwel) ironical
- (kwo) island |
islajen - (kwo) islander |
- (kwo) Islam |
islamjen - (kwo) Islamite |
- (zwo) isolate; insulate |
isola - (kwo) isolation; insulation
- (inplas-kwo) it (inanimate) |
Es may tabla. - This is my table. |
Me pri it. - I like it. |
Me pon kitaba on it. - I put a book on it.
- (kwel), (kwo) Italian (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Italian (person of Italian ethnicity); Italian language
- (kwo) willow |
- (komo) even |
ta bu jan iven to - he doesn't know even that |
ta gun iven al morbi - even when he is sick, he works |
(cf. "yoshi")
- (kwo) jaw |
- (kwo) sorcery |
fai jadu - do/practice sorcery, conjure |
mah-jadu - (zwo) bewitch, enchant |
jadujen - (kwo) sorcerer/sorceress |
jaduman - (kwo) sorcerer |
jadugina - (kwo) sorceress; witch |
jaduleker - (kwo) witch-doctor, quack doctor |
jadu-shwosa - (kwo) spell, exorcism |
- (zwo) be awake; vigil |
jaging, jaga - (kwo) wakefulness, vigil |
en-jagi, jagifi - (zwo) wake up (intr.) |
jagisi - (zwo) wake up (tr.) |
jagiser - alarm clock |
- (kwo) jacket (a short coat)
- (kwo) jacket (a piece of a person's suit)
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