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2661. por

- (konekti) due to, because of |

Danke por atenta! - Thank you for your attention! |

Nu bu go promeni por bade meteo. - We are not going for a walk due to bad weather. |

Me lai por vidi luma in yur winda. - I came because of seeing light in your windows.

2662. porcha

- (kwo) porch

2663. porti

- (zwo) bear, carry; wear |

raki-porti - convey or transport in a vehicle |

porti wek - (zwo) take away, carry away |

porting - (kwo) carrying, bearing |

portibile - (kwel) portable |

portisulam - ladder |

porter - (kwo) porter |

portika - (kwo) stretcher, litter |

portiwat - (kwo) what is carried, load, burden

2664. portreta

- (kwo) portrait

2665. portu

- (kwo) port, harbour

2666. portuges

- (kwel, kwo) Portuguese (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Portuguese (person of Portuguese ethnicity); Portuguese language

2667. posa

- (kwo) pose, posture

2668. posesi

- (zwo) possess |

poseser - (kwo) owner, proprietor, possessor, holder |

ardaposeser - (kwo) landowner |

en-posesi - (zwo) take possession of

2669. posh

- (kwo) pocket |

poshtuh - (kwo) handkerchief

2670. posible

- (kwel) possible |

buposible - impossible |

posiblitaa - (kwo) possibility |

mah-posible - (zwo) enable (also "mogisi")

2671. posision

- (kwo) position |

posision-ney - (kwel) positional

2672. positive

- (kwel) positive |

positiva - (kwo) positive

2673. posta

- (kwo) 1) post (position of employment; outpost, guard-post - cf. "meil"); 2) post (message in an electronic forum) |

posti - (zwo) post (send to an electronic forum)

2674. pot

- (kwo) pot (a household vessel of medium size) |

florpot - (kwo) flowerpot |

kukipot - (kwo) cooking pot

2675. potensial

- (kwo) potential (ability or capacity for growth; physical notion)

2676. potente

- (kwel) potential, potent, endowed with energy adequate to a result |

potensia - (kwo) potentiality, potency, ability or capacity to perform; math. power |

potensia de motor - engine potency

2677. povre

- (kwel) poor (with little money; to be pitied) |

povre jen - poor man; pauper |

povre jenta - the poor |

povritaa - (kwo) poverty |

povra (povro, povrina) - (kwo) poor fellow

2678. poy

- (taim-komo) then, later |

Me bu mog go adar nau, me ve go poy. - I cannot go there now, I shall go later. |

un-nem... poy - first... then |

Un-nem me go a skola, poy a dom. - First I go to school, then home.

2679. pra

- (syao) 1) remote kinship |

praopa - great-grandfather |

prajanmer - forebear |

prakinda - descendant, offspring, scion |

2) primordiality, antiquity |

pralingwa - parent language |

prajen - ancestor, forefather

2680. prais

- (kwo) price |

prais-lista - (kwo) price list

2681. praktika

- (kwo) practice |

praktike - (kwel) practical, pertaining to practice |

praktikem - (komo) practically |

praktiki - (zwo) practice, exercise, put into practice |

praktiki-she leker - a practical doctor

2682. pravaslavia

- (kwo) Orthodoxy (religion) |

pravaslavike - (kwel) Orthodox |

pravaslavike Kirka - Orthodox Church

2683. prave

- (kwel) right (correct, just, true, appropriate; synonyms with narrower meaning are "vere, juste, korekte") |

prave jawaba - right answer |

prave desida - sound decision |

prave dao - right way |

yu es prave - you are right |

pravitaa - (kwo) rightness |

noprave - (kwel) wrong |

pravnik - (kwo) righteous man |


2684. pre

- (syao) pre-, fore- |

previdi - to foresee |

preshwo - to foretell |

pre-existi - to preexist |

prenam - forename |

preyeri - the day before yesterday |

pregoer - predecessor |

prejuda - prejudice |

prelaste - penultimate

2685. preferi

- (zwo) prefer |

me preferi pi chay - I better drink tea |

preferi koysa pyu kem koysa - to prefer smth to smth |

prefera - (kwo) preference |

preferival - (kwel) preferable, preferred |

preferivalem - (komo) preferably

2686. pregi

- (zwo) ask for, beg, request |

pregi-pai - obtain by request, asking |

prega - (kwo) request |

gro-pregi - (zwo) entreat, implore, supplicate, beseech |

gro-prega - (kwo) entreaty

2687. prei

- (zwo) pray |

preisa - (kwo) prayer |

preiyuan - (kwo) priest |

preikitaba - (kwo) prayer book |

preijuk - (kwo) mantis

2688. prelime

- (kwel) preliminary

2689. premia

- (kwo) bonus, premium (also finance), prize |

Nobel premia - Nobel Prize

2690. pren

- (zwo) take |

prensa - (kwo) taking

2691. pres

- (kwo) press (the entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news - cf. "preser")

2692. presedi

- (zwo) precede |

presedi-she - (kwel) preceding |

preseda - (kwo) precedence

2693. presente

- (kwel) present (not absent; current) |

presensia - (kwo) presence

2694. preservi

- (zwo) preserve (fon koysa - from smth), save, keep from injury

2695. presi

- (zwo) press |

ek-presi handa - shake hand |

presi labas - press one's lips together |

taim presi - the time presses |

preser - (kwo) press (a devise used to apply pressure to an item) |

presa - (kwo) pressure

2696. presidenta

- (kwo) president

2697. presigna

- (kwo) omen, presage, augury |

presigni - (zwo) portend, presage, forebode |

(Origin: pre+signa)

2698. preskribi

- (zwo) prescribe, direct, order |

preskriba - (kwo) precept, direction; prescription

2699. presuposi

- (zwo) presuppose, imply as an antecedent condition

2700. preventi

- (zwo) prevent |

preventa - (kwo) prevention

2701. preworda

- (zwo) preface, foreword

2702. pri

- (sta) to like |

Me pri flor. - I like flowers. |

Me pri sey flor. - I like this flower. |

May kinda pri rasmi. - My child likes to draw. |

pria - (kwo) liking |

prival - (kwel) lovely, alluring, nice |


2703. priate

- (kwel) agreeable, pleasant, pleasing |

nopriate - (kwel) disagreeable, unpleasant |


2704. prichi

- (zwo) preach |

pricha - (kwo) sermon, preaching, preachment

2705. primare

- (kwel) primary (elementary, first or lowest in order)

2706. prime

- (kwel) prime (first in importance or quality), primary, paramount |

es prime kwesta - it's a question of primary importance |

primem - (komo) above all, first of all; primarily, chiefly, mainly, principally

2707. primitive

- (kwel) primitive

2708. primula

- (kwo) primula, primrose

2709. prinsa

- (kwo) prince

2710. prinsip

- (kwo) principle |

prinsip-ney - (kwel) of principle

2711. printi

- (zwo) print |

printa, printing - (kwo) print, printing |

printer - (kwo) printer |

printiguan - (kwo) printing house

2712. pris

- (kwo) prize (smth striven for in a contest)

2713. prisenti

- (zwo) present (reveal, show) |

prisenta - (kwo) presentation

2714. prison

- (kwo) prison, jail |

prisonyuan - (kwo) jailer

2715. private

- (kwel) private

2716. privilegia

- (kwo) privilege

2717. pro

- (konekti-syao) pro, in favour of |

pro-westa stata - a pro-Western state |

Nu es pro guverna. - We support government. |

Ob yu es pro may idea? - Do you support my idea?

2718. proba

- (kwo) trial, test; sample |

probi - (zwo) sample (to take or to test a sample), test; try on; try out (cf. "trai") |


2719. probable

- (kwel) probable, likely |

shao-probable - unlikely, not likely |

probablem - (komo) probably (see also "shayad") |

probablitaa - (kwo) probability

2720. problema

- (kwo) problem |

problema yok! - no problem!

2721. probus

- (kwo) proboscis (of elephant, of insect)

2722. produkta

- (kwo) product |

produkti - (zwo) produce |

produktive - (kwel) productive |

produktivitaa - (kwo) productivity |

produkter - (kwo) producer |

produkting - (kwo) production |

produktura - (kwo) produce, items/amount produced

2723. profesion

- (kwo) profession, occupation |

See also: profi

2724. profesor

- (kwo) professor

2725. profeta

- (kwo) prophet, seer |

profeti - (zwo) prophesy, augur |

profetura - (kwo) prophecy |


2726. profi

- (kwo) professional (expert), pro |

profi-ney - (kwel) professional

2727. profit

- (kwo) profit |

profit-ney - (kwel) profitable |

profiti - (zwo) profit

2728. prognosa

- (kwo) prognosis, forecast |

prognosi - (zwo) prognose

2729. programa

- (kwo) programme |

programi - (zwo) programme |

programing - (kwo) programming |

programista - (kwo) programer

2730. progresa

- (kwo) progress |

progresi - (zwo) progress

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