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Lidepla lexikon
selected terms: 3,912 page 4 of 56
211. aresti

- (zwo) arrest, make a prisoner |

aresta - (kwo) arrest, custody

212. argenta

- (kwo) silver

213. argumenta

- (kwo) argument (statement put forth as proof, reason)

214. arhiduka

- (kwo) archduke

215. arigatoo

- (kwo) thanks, thank you |

Syn.: danke, shukran |


216. arivi

- (zwo) arrive (at destination, at a certain place) |

ariva - (kwo) arrival |

Ant.: departi

217. arka

- (kwo) arc; arch (cf. "raduga")

218. arkaike

- (kwel) archaic

219. arkitekter

- (kwo) architect |

arkitektura - (kwo) architecture

220. arku

- (kwo) bow (weapon) |

Arkuman - (kwo) Sagittarius

221. arma

- (kwo) weapon |

stal-arma - cold steel |

agni-arma - fire-arms |

armas - (kwo) arms, armament |

armisi - (zwo) arm |

armisa - (kwo) arming |

arma-dun - (kwo) loophole, embrasure

222. armee

- (kwo) army |

armeeyuan - (kwo) military man, serviceman

223. aroma

- (kwo) aroma |

aroma-herba - aromatic herbs |

aromaful - (kwel) full of aroma, aromatic, fragrant or sweet-smelling |

aromike - (kwel) aromatic (chem.)

224. arosi

- (zwo) moisten, wet, water (with any liquid) |

aroser - (kwo) watering-pot

225. arpa

- (kwo) harp

226. arsenal

- (kwo) arsenal |


227. arta

- (kwo) art |

artista - (kwo) artist

228. artifisiale

- (kwel) artificial (man-made; false; unnatural - cf. "jengun-ney")

229. artikla

- (kwo) article (a part of speech in some languages) |

(cf. "makala")

230. artileria

- (kwo) artillery

231. asada

- (kwo) siege |

asadi - (zwo) siege, besiege |


232. asembli

- (zwo) assemble: collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.) |

asembla - (kwo) assemblage, assembly; meeting, gathering |

generale asembla - general meeting/assembly |

desasembli - (zwo) disassemble, take to pieces |

Syn.: jami

233. asendi

- (zwo) go up, ascend, mount |

asendi sulam - mount a ladder/stairway |

avion oltaim asendi-te - the plane kept ascending |

prais asendi - prices come up |

asenda - (kwo) ascension |

Syn.: go uupar |

Ant.: desendi

234. aserti

- (zwo) assert, aver, claim, state |

aserta - (kwo) assertion, claim, statement

235. asfalta

- (kwo) asphalt

236. asilum

- (kwo) asylum, sanctuary |

Syn.: refuja

237. asimili

- (zwo) assimilate (physiol. and fig. - cf. "similisi") |

asimila - (kwo) assimilation

238. asimut

- (kwo) azimuth |


239. asla

- (kwo) donkey, ass |


240. aspekti

- (zwo) look, appear |

aspekti fatigi-ney - look tired |

aspekta - (kwo) aspect, view, sight, look, appearance |

fai aspekta - pretend, affect, feign

241. aspiri

- (zwo) aspire, desire eagerly, long for, aim at, seek after |

aspira - (kwo) aspiration, striving

242. asteroida

- (kwo) asteroid (astron.)

243. astoni

- (zwo) astonish, amaze |

fa-astoni - (zwo) be amazed, be astonished, marvel, wonder |

astoni-she, astonival - (kwel) astonishing, marvelous |

astoni-shem - (komo) astonishingly |

astoni-shem jamile gela - astonishingly beautiful girl |

astona - (kwo) amazement, astonishment

244. astronomia

- (kwo) astronomy |

astronomier - (kwo) astronomer |

astronomike - (kwel) astronomical

245. ataki

- (zwo) attack, assail, assault |

ataka - (kwo) attack, assault |

chu-ataka - (kwo) sally, sortie

246. atarafi

- (kwo) move aside, draw aside; step aside |

(Origin: a+taraf+i)

247. ateni

- (zwo) attain, reach, achieve |

ateni e sobrepasi - catch up and overtake |

lopi-ateni - catch up by running |

raki-ateni - catch up by car (or other vehicle) |

atena - (kwo) achievement, attainment, accomplishment

248. atenta

- (kwo) attention |

fai nul atenta om koysa - pay no attention to smth |

atenti - (zwo) be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to |

atenta-ney (atente) - (kwel) attentive, alert |

atenta-nem (atentem) - (komo) attentively, closely, carefully. |

(cf. "chauke")

249. atlas

- (kwo) (anat., geog.) atlas |


250. atletika

- (kwo) athletics |

atletike - (kwel) athletic |


251. atma

- (kwo) soul |

atma-ney - (kwel) of soul |

dusatma-ney - (kwel) bad souled, base |


252. atmosfera

- (kwo) atmosphere

253. atom

- (kwo) atom |

atom-ney - (kwel) atomic

254. atrakti

- (zwo) attract |

atrakta - (kwo) attraction |

atraktive - (kwel) attractive

255. audi

- (zwo) hear; listen |

Me bu audi nixa. - I don't hear anything. |

Audi ba! - Listen! |

hao-audi-ke musika - a music that is good to hear |

bu-gwo-audi-ke - unheard-of |

auda - (kwo) hearing (auditory faculty) |

auding - (kwo) listening; audition |

audibile - (kwel) audible |

audike - (kwel) auditory |

audibilitaa - (kwo) audibility |

audisens - (kwo) sense of hearing |

audimogsa - (kwo) hearing ability |

fa-audi - (zwo) be heard, be audible |

finaudi - (zwo) listen to the end |

auder - (kwo) (telephone) receiver |

See also: slu

256. audio

- (kwo, kwel) audio |

rekordi audio - record audio

257. augusto

- (kwo) August (also mes-ot) |

in augusto - in August

258. aur

- (kwo) ear |

aurganda - (kwo) cerumen

259. aus

- (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement) |

pren kalam aus posh - take a pencil out of the pocket |

Lai aus! - Come out! |

2) (made) of (material), out of |

botela aus glas - bottle made of glass, glass bottle |

Me he zwo palas aus shamba. - I made a palace out of the room. |

ausen - (konekti-komo) outside of, on the outside, beyond the limits of |

ausen dom - outside the house |

Me jivi ausen urba. - I live out of town. |

Sedey ye frosta ausen. - It freezes outdoors. |

Sey dwar bu ofni fon ausen, sol fon inen. - This door does not open from outside, only from within. |

ausen-ney - (kwel) outer, external |

ausenklaida - (kwo) overclothes |

ausen-taraf - (kwo) the outside |

ausen-munda - (kwo) the outer world

260. ausjivi

- (zwo) survive, remain alive |

ausjiving - (kwo) survival, surviving

261. auskati

- (zwo) cut out, carve out

262. auskavi

- (zwo) dig out, dig up

263. auskupi

- (zwo) redeem; ransom |

auskupa - (kwo) redemption, redeeming; ransom

264. auslanda

- (kwo) foreign countries |

in auslanda - abroad |

auslanda-ney - (kwel) foreign, of foreign countries |

auslandajen, auslander - (kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign country (cf. "gariba")

265. ausmorti

- (zwo) die out, become extinct |

(Origin: aus+morti)

266. auspren

- (zwo) take out, pull out, extract |

(Origin: aus+pren)

267. ausspiri

- (zwo) exhale, breathe out |

ausspira - (kwo) exhalation, outward breath |

Ant.: inuspiri

268. ausyusi

- (zwo) wear out |

ausyusa - (kwo) wear and tear |

(Origin: aus+yusi)

269. autentike

- (kwel) authentic (genuine, real) |

autentikitaa - (kwo) authenticity |


270. auto

- (kwo) automobile, car, motor-car

271. automat

- (kwo) automatic machine, automaton, automat |

automatike - (kwel) automatic |

automatikem - (komo) automatically |

automatisi - (zwo) automatize |

automatisa - (kwo) automatization

272. autor

- (kwo) author

273. autoritaa

- (kwo) authority (power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience - cf. "mahta")

274. autostop

- (kwo) hitch-hiking |

fai autostop - hitch-hike

275. avan

- (komo) forward, ahead (in space or time) |

Avan, sempre avan! - Forward, always forward! |

Kan avan, bu kan bak. - Look forward, don't look back. |

Go avan, bu turni. - Go ahead, don't turn. |

Treba mah kloka un ora avan. - One should set the clock one hour ahead. |

avanen - (konekti-komo) ahead (of) (at what place?) |

avanen oli - ahead of everybody |

avanen kolona - ahead of the column |

Lu es yo dalem avanen. - He is already far ahead. |

May kloka es pet minuta avanen. - My watch is 5 minutes fast.

276. avane

- (kwel) front, fore |

avanpatas - forelegs |

avana - (kwo) front, facing side (also "avantaraf")

277. avanpasi

- (zwo) pass ahead of, outstrip

278. avansi

- (zwo) advance, go forward; further, promote |

avansa - (kwo) advance, advancement

279. avantaja

- (kwo) advantage

280. avare

- (kwel) avaricious, miserly, greedy |

avaritaa - (kwo) avarice, greed |

avarnik - (kwo) miser, niggard

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