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2871. rensheng

- (kwo) ginseng |


2872. renta

- (kwo) rent (payment) |


2873. renversi

- (zwo) capsize, overturn; overthrow, subvert |

renversa - (kwo) overthrow

2874. repa

- (kwo) turnip |


2875. repari

- (zwo) repair |

repari-ney (reparen) - (kwel) repaired |

repara - (kwo) repair |

reparaguan - (kwo) repair shop/station

2876. repeli

- (zwo) repel (put off, force away) |

olea repeli akwa - oil repels water |

elektre sharja do same signa repeli mutu - electric charges of the same sign repel one another |

repela - (kwo) repelling, repulsion |

repeler - (kwo) repellent

2877. repertuar

- (kwo) repertoire, repertory |


2878. repeti

- (zwo) repeat; rehearse (practice by repetition) |

repeta - (kwo) repetition; rehearsal

2879. replasi

- (zwo) replace, displace, supersede |

replasa - (kwo) replacement

2880. repliki

- (zwo) cue, retort, rejoin, reply |

replika - (kwo) cue, retort, replication, rejoinder, reply

2881. reporta

- (kwo) report, account, reportage |

reporti - (zwo) report, give an account |

reporter - (kwo) reporter

2882. reposi

- (zwo) rest, take/have a rest, repose |

reposi-stopa - halt, rest |

reposa - (kwo) rest, repose

2883. representi

- (zwo) represent (stand for; be the representative of; depict) |

representer - (kwo) representative

2884. represi

- (zwo) repress, check, restrain, suppress, subdue |

represi rida - repress a laugh |

represa - (kwo) repression

2885. reprodukti

- (zwo) reproduce |

reprodukta - (kwo) reproduction |

reproduktive - (kwel) reproductive

2886. reproshi

- (zwo) reproach, upbraid |

reprosha - (kwo) reproach, reproof, rebuke |

sinreprosha-ney (sinreproshe) - (kwel) irreproachable, blameless

2887. reptila

- (kwo) reptile

2888. republika

- (kwo) republic |

republikista - (kwo) republican

2889. reputasion

- (kwo) reputation

2890. resepta

- (kwo) recipe

2891. reservi

- (zwo) reserve, save, set apart, lay by or up |

reserva - (kwo) reserve, store, stock |

reserva-ney (reserve) - (kwel) reserve, spare, held in or forming a reserve

2892. residi

- (zwo) reside, dwell, abide |

residilok - (kwo) residence, abode

2893. resisti

- (zwo) resist |

resisti koysa - withstand smth |

resista - (kwo) resistance

2894. resivi

- (zwo) receive |

resiva - (kwo) reception |

resivi-sha - (kwo) recipient, receiver (person), receptionist |

resiviyuan - (kwo) receptionist |

resiver - (kwo) receiver (device) |

resivi-shamba - (kwo) reception, parlour

2895. resolusion

- (kwo) resolution (formal decision)

2896. resolute

- (kwel) resolute, determined, firm, unwavering |

resolutem - (komo) resolutely |

resolutenesa - (kwo) resoluteness, determination, resolution |

resoluti - (zwo) be resolved

2897. resolvi

- (zwo) solve, resolve (find solution - cf. "solvi") |

resolva - (kwo) solution (answer, plan)

2898. reson

- (kwo) reason, grounds; point, sense; argument |

resoni - (zwo) reason |

resona, resoning - (kwo) reasoning |

resonful - (kwel) reasonable, well-grounded, having a point

2899. resora

- (kwo) spring (of vehicle)

2900. respekti

- (zwo) respect, esteem |

respekta - (kwo) respect, esteem |

kun gro-respekta - with profound respect |

respektival - (kwel) respectable, honourable

2901. responsi

- (zwo) be responsible (om koysa - for smth) |

responsi-she - (kwel) responsible |

responsa - (kwo) responsibility

2902. resti

- (zwo) remain (continue unchanged in place, form or state; be left over) |

resti stan - remain standing, stand on |

resti pa dom - stay at home |

resta - (kwo) remainder, rest |

resting - (kwo) stay, sojourn |

resta-ney (reste) - (kwel) remaining |

lo reste - the rest; olo reste - all the rest |

restes - the rest (people) |

restika - (kwo) remainder; change (money given back)

2903. restori

- (zwo) restore |

restora - (kwo) restoration

2904. resulta

- (kwo) result |

resulti - (zwo) result

2905. resumi

- (zwo) recapitulate, sum up, summarize |

resuma - (kwo) recapitulation, summary, resume

2906. reteni

- (zwo) retain, keep in one's possession |

retena - (kwo) retention |

Syn.: kipi

2907. returni

- (zwo) return (come or go back; give back) |

returna - (kwo) return

2908. reumatisma

- (kwo) rheumatism (a short form is "reuma")

2909. reveli

- (zwo) reveal, disclose, uncover |

reveli ke - as it turned out |

reveli swa - reveal oneself |

fa-reveli - (zwo) turn out, prove (to be) |

riva fa-reveli chyen - the river turned out to be shallow |

revela - (kwo) revelation, disclosure

2910. reversa

- (kwo) reverse (back side of anything); reversal |

sin reversa - irreversibly |

reversa-ney (reverse) - (kwel) reverse |

reversi - (zwo) reverse (turn or move in the opposite direction)

2911. revolusion

- (kwo) revolution (overthrow of government; a momentous change in a situation) |

revolusion-ney - (kwel) revolutionary

2912. ri

- (syao) "again, anew" |

riapari - to reappear |

rizwo - to redo

2913. riba

- (kwo) rib (anat. and fig.)

2914. riche

- (kwel) rich |

richenesa - (kwo) richness |

fa-riche - (zwo) become rich

2915. ridi

- (zwo) laugh |

rida - (kwo) laugh |

ridival - (kwel) laughable, ridiculous

2916. rif

- (kwo) reef (rocks at or near surface of water) |


2917. rigide

- (kwel) rigid, stiff, unyielding |

rigiditaa - (kwo) rigidity

2918. rima

- (kwo) rhyme

2919. ring

- (kwo) (boxing) ring

2920. ris

- (kwo) rice

2921. rishte

- (kwel) kindred, related, akin |

rishtitaa - (kwo) kindred, kinship, relationship |

rishtejen, rishta - (kwo) kinsman, relative |

rishtejenta - (kwo) kinsfolk, relatives, relations, kin |


2922. risin

- (kwo) ricin |

risinbush - (kwo) castor oil plant |

risinolea - (kwo) castor oil

2923. riska

- (kwo) risk, hazard |

riski - (zwo) risk, hazard

2924. riter

- (kwo) knight |


2925. ritma

- (kwo) rhythm |

ritmike - (kwel) rhythmic, rhythmical

2926. ritual

- (kwo) ritual, rite |

ritual-ney - (kwel) ritual |


2927. riva

- (kwo) river

2928. riza

- (kwo) root (also math.) |

kwadra-riza - square root |

riza-ney - (kwel) radical (of or pertaining to a root or to the intrinsic nature of smth) |


2929. roba

- (kwo) dress, gown |

shamba-roba - (kwo) dressing gown

2930. rogen

- (kwo) rye |


2931. roka

- (kwo) rock (a relatively large body of rock, as a cliff or peak) |


2932. roli

- (zwo) roll |

rolika - (kwo) roll; roller |

rola, roling - (kwo) roll (act), rolling |

rolibutas - (kwo) roller skates |

See also: volvi

2933. rom

- (kwo) rum

2934. romale

- (kwel, kwo) Gipsy; a Gipsy; the Gipsy language |

jamile romale gana - beautiful Gipsy song

2935. roman

- (kwo) novel (rather large - cf. "novela") |

roman-ki - (kwo) short novel, story, narrative |


2936. romanike

- (kwel) Romance, Romanic |

romanike lingwa - Romance language

2937. ronde

- (kwel) round |

ronda - (kwo) round (a circular object/route) |

muva pa ronda - movement in a circle |

rondisi - (zwo) round (off)

2938. rosa

- (kwo) rose

2939. rose

- (kwel) pink, rosy

2940. rosti

- (zwo) roast |

rostiwat - (kwo) roast (smth roasted or prepared for roasting)

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