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Lidepla lexikon
selected terms: 3,912 page 44 of 56
3011. savera

- (kwo) early morning, daybreak |

Me en-stan pa savera. - I get up early in the morning. |

Syn.: suryachu, rane sabah |


3012. saxofon

- (kwo) saxophone

3013. se

- (inplas-kwo) this, these (cf. "to") |

Kwo es se? Se es dom. - What is this? This is a house. |

Se es dom, e to es auto. - This is a house, and that is a car. |

sey - (inplas-kwel) this, these |

Sey gaseta es pyu interes-ney kem toy-la. - This newspaper is more interesting than that one.

3014. sedey

- (taim-komo) today

3015. sedla

- (kwo) saddle |


3016. sega

- (kwo) saw (tool) |

segi - (zwo) saw |


3017. segun

- (konekti) according to, in accordance with |

segun luy worda - according to his words |

pikter segun vokasion - painter by vocation |

segun to ke me vidi - according to what I see/ judging from what I see |

segun me - in my opinion |

segun ke - as, in proportion as |

segun ke presa fa-syao, volum fa-gran - as pressure diminishes, the volume grows |


3018. sekla

- (kwo) century

3019. sekondare

- (kwel) secondary (not primary, minor, accessory)

3020. sekret

- (kwo) secret (hidden knowledge) |

sekret-ney - (kwel) secret |

sekret-nem - (komo) secretly |

sekretnesa - (kwo) secrecy

3021. sekreta

- (kwo) secretion (secreted substance) |

sekreti - (zwo) secrete |

sekreting - (kwo) secretion (process of secreting)

3022. sekretar

- (kwo) secretary

3023. seksion

- (kwo) section (part, division)

3024. sekta

- (kwo) sect |

sektayuan - (kwo) sectarian, member of a sect |


3025. sektor

- (kwo) sector

3026. sekunda

- (kwo) second (unit of time)

3027. sekwi

- (zwo) follow |

pa sekwi-dey - on the next day |

(pa) sekwi-ves - next time |

sekwi bay okos - follow with one's eyes |

sekwi exampla de koywan - follow smb.'s example |

sekwa - (kwo) consecution, succession, sequence; consequence |

sekwa-ney - (kwel) consecutive, successive |

sekwi-she - (kwel) following, next |

Treba merki lo sekwi-she. - One should note the following. |

sekwitura - (kwo) consequence, sequel; after-effects

3028. sekwita

- (kwo) suite, retinue

3029. sela

- (kwo) cell (all senses) |

sela-ney - (kwel) cellular |

ovosela - (kwo) ovum, ovocyte

3030. selekti

- (zwo) select, choose, pick out |

selekta - (kwo) choice, selection |

selektura - (kwo) what is chosen/selected

3031. selfa

- (komo) 1) oneself, one's own self |

Ta lubi sol swa selfa. - He loves only himself. |

Me selfa zwo-te se. - I did it myself. |

E walaa Jon selfa. - And here is John in person. |

2) itself, taken on its own |

sistema selfa es hao - the system itself is good |

Yur mata es karimtaa selfa. - Your mother is kindness itself. |

pa selfa - on its own, by itself (himself etc.) |

3) (syao) self- (unassisted, happening on its own; automatic) |

selfa-lumi-she - self-luminous |

selfa-zwo-ney - self-made

3032. selri

- (kwo) celery

3033. sem

- (kwanto) seven (7) |

shi-sem - seventeen |

semshi - seventy |

semsto - seven hundred

3034. semafor

- (kwo) traffic light (signalling device) |


3035. sembli

- (zwo) seem, appear |

sembli ke olo go hao - it seems that everything goes well |

luna sembli muvi - the moon seems to be moving |

sembla - (kwo) semblance, appearance |

sembli-she - (kwel) seeming |

sembli-shem (semblem) - (komo) seemingly, apparently

3036. semdi

- (kwo) Sunday

3037. semena

- (kwo) seed; semen |

semeni - (zwo) sow; inseminate |

semening - (kwo) sowing; insemination |

semeni-sha - (kwo) sire, stud, bull |

semener - (kwo) seeding-machine

3038. sempre

- (taim-komo) always |

fo sempre - forever |

sempre-ney - (kwel) regular, usual, customary

3039. sena

- (kwo) senna

3040. sendi

- (zwo) send |

sendijen - (kwo) messenger, envoy |

sendiwat - (kwo) smth sent |

mani-senda - (kwo) remittance |

missendi - (zwo) dispatch/send to the wrong address

3041. sens

- (kwo) sense (faculty) |

pet sens - five senses |

ilusion de sens - illusion of the senses |

sit-ney sens - the sixth sense |

sens-ney - (kwel) sensual (of or pertaining to senses), sensory |

sens-ney munda - the sensual world |

sens-ney anubav - sensual experience |

sensi - (zwo) sense (use senses) |

sensa - (kwo) sensation (perception through senses) |

sensa de tunga - sensation of pain

3042. sensasion

- (kwo) sensation (a state of intense public interest and excitement)

3043. sensu

- (kwo) sense (meaning - cf. "sens") |

in chaure (tange) sensu - in a wide (narrow) sense |

se bu hev sensu - this doesn't have sense |

in sertene sensu - in a certain sense |

sinsensu-ney - (kwel) senseless |

Portuguese, Calabrese

3044. sentensia

- (kwo) sentence (maxim, dictum, saying - cf. "frasa")

3045. senti

- (zwo) feel (a sensation - cf. "tachi", "palpi") |

senti swa buhao - feel unwell |

senta - (kwo) feeling, sensation; emotion; sense (natural appreciation or ability - cf. "sens") |

elay senta versu lu - her feelings towards him |

senta de lo jamile - sense of beauty |

yuma senta - sense of humour |

pre-senti - (zwo) have a presentiment |

pre-senta - (zwo) presentiment, anticipation

3046. sentra

- (kwo) centre |

sentrale - (kwel) central |

sentralisi - (zwo) centralize |

sentralisa - (kwo) centralization

3047. sentrifuga

- (kwo) centrifuge |

sentrifugi - (zwo) centrifuge

3048. sentu

- (kwo) cent |

tri euro petshi sentu - three euros fifty cents

3049. senu

- (kwo) hay |

senupila - (kwo) haystack, hayrick |


3050. separi

- (zwo) separate |

separi fon koywan - part with smb, sepatare from smb |

separi-ney - (kwel) separate |

separa - (kwo) separation

3051. septemba

- (kwo) September (also mes-nin) |

pa septemba - in September

3052. sereal

- (kwo) cereal

3053. seremonia

- (kwo) ceremony |


3054. seria

- (kwo) series

3055. seriose

- (kwel) serious |

seriositaa - (kwo) seriousness |

Syn.: gambir

3056. serpenta

- (kwo) serpent, snake

3057. serpi

- (zwo) meander, twist, wind; (fig.) shift (get along by tricky or evasive means) |

serpa - (kwo) winding, meander, bend, twist

3058. serte

- (kwel) certain (knowing or known for sure); indisputable |

me es serte ke ta lugi - I am sure that he is lying |

sertem - (komo) certainly, of course |

mah-serte - (zwo) assure (remove doubt) |

fa-serte - (zwo) become assured |

mah swa serte - (zwo) make sure (of); make certain (that) |

Sempre mah swa serte ke oli dwar es klefi-ney. - Always make certain that all doors are locked. |

sertitaa - (kwo) certainty

3059. sertene

- (kwel) certain (fixed, settled; of a specific but unspecified character/degree/quantity) |

al sertene kondision - under a certain condition |

in sertene sensu - in a certain sense

3060. serva

- (kwo) service (occupation, function, work) |

servi - (zwo) serve |

servi-sha - (kwo) servant |

serving - (kwo) act of service |

server - (kwo) comp. server

3061. serveta

- (kwo) serviette, napkin

3062. serviri

- (zwo) serve (bring food)

3063. servis

- (kwo) service (set of dishes or utensils) |


3064. sesam

- (kwo) sesame |


3065. sesion

- (kwo) session

3066. seson

- (kwo) season

3067. seta

- (kwo) set (kit, collection) |

Syn.: kompleta

3068. sex

- (kwo) sex (sexual intercourse) |

fai sex - have sex

3069. sexu

- (kwo) sex (male or female), gender |

sexuale - (kwel) sexual

3070. sfera

- (kwo) sphere |

haf-sfera - (kwo) hemisphere

3071. shablon

- (kwo) template |


3072. shada

- (kwo) shadow, shade |

shadaful - (kwel) shady, umbrageous |

shadi, fai shada - (zwo) shade, overshadow, cast a shade

3073. shafi

- (zwo) stand up (for), take smb.'s side, intercede (for) |

shafer - (kwo) intercessor, defender; protector |


3074. shah

- (kwo) check (in chess) |

shah e mat! - checkmate!

3075. shahmat

- (kwo) chess |

shahmat-geim - a chess game |


3076. shahta

- (kwo) shaft (opening) |


3077. shai

- (zwo) 1) to be hot, burn (about the sun) |

surya shai - the sun is hot |

sub surya-shaisa - right in the sun, in the full blaze of the sun |

2) to sun (expose to the sun's rays, as for warming, drying, or tanning); sunbathe |

me shai on playa - I sunbathe on the beach |

shaitume - (kwel) sunburnt, sunburned, suntanned, brown, bronzed |

shaitumitaa - (kwo) sunburn, tan |


3078. shaih

- (kwo) sheikh |


3079. shakal

- (kwo) jackal

3080. shakwi

- (zwo) complain |

shakwa - (kwo) complaint |


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