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Lidepla lexikon
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1. vafla

- (kwo) wafer, waffle

2. vagabondi

- (zwo) vagabond, lead the life of a vagabond |

vagabondi-she - (kwel) vagrant, strolling, nomadic |

vagabonder - (kwo) vagabond, tramp, vagrant |

vagabonding - (kwo) vagrancy |

See also: wandi

3. vage

- (kwel) vague, dim, indistinct

4. vagina

- (kwo) vagina

5. vagon

- (kwo) coach, carriage (railroad car) |


6. vaika

- (komo) at least, just; for example, say; whichever suits, if you like |

Weiti ba vaika un minuta! - Won't you wait just a minute? |

Ob yu mog obedi me vaika un ves? - Can you do as I tell you (at least) once? |

Me bu mog desidi, ob kupi grin kamisa o rude-la. Ambi es jamile. - Bu dumi tro, kupi ba vaika rude-la. - I can't decide, which shirt to buy: the green one or the red one. - Don't think too much, buy for example the red one. |

vaika nau - now, if you like |

Lai ba vaika sedey, vaika manya. - You can come today or tomorrow, whichever suits you. |


7. vaka

- (kwo) balance, scales |

pondi bay vaka - weigh with scales |

Syn.: pondika

8. vakante

- (kwel) vacant (not occupied; not filled with activity; empty) |

vakansia - (kwo) vacancy

9. vakasion

- (kwo) vacation

10. vaksina

- (kwo) vaccine

11. vakue

- (kwel) empty, devoid of content |

fa-vakue - (zwo) become empty |

mah-vakue - (zwo) make empty |

vakuitaa - (kwo) emptiness |

vakue-handa-ney - (kwel) empty-handed

12. vakum

- (kwo) vacuum

13. val

- (sta) (it) is worth |

val go kan sey filma - it is worth to go see this film |

(syao) "worth" |

admirival - admirable |

sey filma es goval - this film is worth going to see |

geim es pleival - the game is worth playing |

Govo valori shao, bat Bagira-ney honor es shayad koysa batalival, - Bagira shwo bay zuy mule vos. - The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera's honor is something that he will perhaps fight for," said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.

14. valide

- (kwel) valid

15. valor

- (kwo) value (worth; importance - cf. "valu") |

valor-ney, valorful - (kwel) valuable, precious |

valori - (zwo) be worth; value

16. valu

- (kwo) value (numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed)

17. valza

- (kwo) waltz |

valzi - (zwo) waltz

18. vane

- (kwel) vain, futile |

vanem - (komo) vainly, in vain |

vanitaa - (kwo) futility, vainness |

vanisi - (zwo) waste, squander; thwart, bring to naught

19. vapor

- (kwo) vapour, steam |

vaporkazan - steam boiler |

vapormashina - steam engine |

vapori - (zwo) evaporate |

vaporing - (kwo) evaporation

20. varia

- (kwo) variation |

vari - (zwo) vary |

varibile - (kwel) variable

21. varianta

- (kwo) variant

22. vasa

- (kwo) vessel (for holding liquids); vase (as for flowers, etc.)

23. vaste

- (kwel) vast, extensive (in all directions) |

vastitaa - (kwo) vastness, vast extent, spaciousness

24. vata

- (kwo) cotton wool; wadding

25. Venus

- (kwo) Venus

26. ve

- (gramatika) future tense marker |

me he zwo, me zwo, me ve zwo - I did, I do, I shall do

27. vegi

- (zwo) weigh (have weight - cf. "pondi") |

it vegi dwa kilo - it weighs two kilos |

vega - (kwo) weight

28. vena

- (kwo) vein (anat. - cf. "jila") |


29. vendi

- (zwo) sell, vend |

venda, vending - (kwo) sale, selling |

vendi-gina - (kwo) saleswoman

30. venji

- (zwo) revenge, revenge oneself, avenge (on smb - a koywan) |

venja - (kwo) revenge, vengeance |

venjishil - (kwel) vindictive, revengeful

31. ver

- (kwel) true, consistent with fact or reality (a short form of "vere") |

(komo) indeed, true, really |

Es ver. - That's true. |

Bu es ver. - It isn't true. |

Ela es jamile, bu ver? - Ver. - She is beautiful, isn't she? - Yes, she is. |

Es ver ke ela es jamile. - It's true that she is beautiful. |

Ver ku? - Really? |

Ver ya! - Exactly! That's it!

32. veranda

- (kwo) veranda

33. vere

- (kwel) true (correct; veritable, genuine, real) |

verem - (komo) truly, genuinely, indeed, really |

veritaa - (kwo) truth, verity

34. verguy

- (kwel) precious |

verguyka - (kwo) precious thing |

(Origin: ver+guy)

35. verifiki

- (zwo) verify |

verifika - (kwo) verification

36. versa

- (kwo) verse (in poetry, also of Bible)

37. version

- (kwo) version

38. versu

- (konekti) toward, towards |

Wo es dom? Versu westa. - Where is home? It's to the west. |

Elay senta versu lu bu he shanji. - Her feelings towards him have not changed. |

Versu sabah morba-ney jen en-sta pyu hao. - Towards evening the sick man felt himself better.

39. vertebra

- (kwo) vertebra

40. vertiga

- (kwo) giddiness, dizziness, vertigo |

hev vertiga - to be dizzy

41. vertikale

- (kwel) vertical |

vertikala - (kwo) vertical

42. ves

- (kwo) time (an instance or occurrence) |

al un-ney ves - at the first time |

mucho ves per dey - many times a day |

kada ves yu zwo same galta - every time you make the same error |

pa sey ves - this time |

dwa ves dwa es char - twice two makes four |

yoshi un ves - once again |

pa un ves - at once, at the same time |

pa nove ves (pa novves) - anew |

otreves - (komo) another time, some other time |

laives - (komo) next time |

koyves - (komo) sometimes, at times, occasionally |

unves - (komo) once |


43. vesna

- (kwo) spring (season) |

pa vesna - in spring |

fa-vesna - the spring is coming |


44. vespa

- (kwo) wasp |


45. vestibul

- (kwo) vestibule, lobby, antechamber, entrance hall

46. veteran

- (kwo) veteran

47. vexi

- (zwo) vex, annoy, iritate; become irritated |

fa-vexi - (zwo) become irritated |

vexa - (kwo) vexation, annoyance |

vexishil - (kwel) irritable

48. via

- (konekti) via (passing through, by way/means of) |

a London via Paris - to London via Paris |

via radio - via radio |

May gin-visin sempre shwo mucho. Me en-jan oli habar via ela. - My female neighbour always speaks a lot. I learn all the news through her.

49. vibri

- (zwo) vibrate |

vibra - (kwo) vibration

50. video

- (kwo, kwel) video |

rekordi video - record video

51. vidi

- (zwo) see |

vida - (kwo) sight, vision, view (ability to see, act of seeing, smth seen) |

vidiwat - (kwo) view, spectacle, smth seen |

vidimogsa - (kwo) vision (ability to see) |

vidisens - (kwo) the sense/organ of sight |

vidipunta - (kwo) point of view, standpoint |

vidike - (kwel) visual |

vidibile - (kwel) visible, which can be seen |

vidi-ney - (kwel) seen, visible |

vidi-nem - (komo) in visible manner, visibly, apparently |

fa-vidi - (zwo) be seen, be visible |

shulin fa-vidi in dalitaa - a forest could be seen in the distance |

ek-vidi - (zwo) catch a glimpse of |

rividi - (zwo) see again |

Til rividi! - See you later!

52. vigor

- (kwo) vigor (exuberant and resiliant strength of body or mind, vitality) |

vigorful - (kwel) vigorous |

vigorisi - (zwo) invigorate

53. vigyan

- (kwo) science |

vigyan(-ney) - (kwel) scientific |

vigyaner - (kwo) scientist |


54. vije

- (kwel) sprightly, vivacious, brisk, zestful, cheerful, bright

55. vikar

- (kwo) vicar |


56. vikla

- (kwo) vehicle (any means of transport; (fig.) a means of transmitting)

57. viktima

- (kwo) victim |


58. vilaja

- (kwo) village

59. vin

- (kwo) vine, grape |

vingrapa - bunch of grapes |

vinjus - grape juice |

vinberi - grape (grape berries) |

vinberinka - one grape berry

60. vinegra

- (kwo) vinegar

61. vino

- (kwo) wine |

suhe vino - dry wine |

rude vino - red wine

62. vinta

- (kwo) screw; screw propeller |

vinti - (zwo) screw |

devinti - (zwo) unscrew (tr.) |

fa-devinti - (zwo) come unscrewed |

vintitul - (kwo) screwdriver |


63. viola

- (kwo) viol |


64. violati

- (zwo) violate (infringe, transgress, break (a law) - cf. "violensi") |

violata - (kwo) violation, infringement, breach

65. violensi

- (zwo) use/do violence, violate (rape, assault sexually) |

violensa - (kwo) violence |

violensa-ney (violense) - (kwel) violent (having to do with violence)

66. violeta

- (kwo) violet (plant) |

trikolor-violeta - (kwo) heartsease |


67. violete

- (kwel) violet, purple

68. vipera

- (kwo) adder, viper |


69. virga

- (kwo) virgin |

virga-ney (virge) - (kwel) virgin |

virge shulin - virgin forest

70. virti

- (zwo) whirl |

virti-mixi ovos kun milka - stir up the eggs with the milk |

akwavirta - (kwo) whirlpool, vortex |

virtifeng - (kwo) whirlwind |

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