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141. mahta
- (kwo) might, power, authority (cf. "potensia") | mahtaful - (kwel) mighty, powerful | sinmahta-ney - (kwel) powerless, impotent, helpless | pa sinmahta-ney furia - in
142. maidan
- (kwo) square (open place in town); ground, area | futbol maidan - futball field | Arabic
143. maini
- (zwo) mean (have in mind; signify) | Kwo yu maini bay to? - What do you mean by that? | Syn.: signifi
144. maiste
- (gramatika) most (superlative form from "mucho") | lu hev maiste mani - he has most money | in maiste kasu - in most cases | maiste parta - the most part | maiste…
145. makala
- (kwo) article (a story, report in a newspaper, journal, etc.) | Arabic
146. malgree
- (konekti) in spite of, despite
147. mani
- (kwo) money | pi-mani - (kwo) tip, gratuity | handa-mani - (kwo) ready cash, money in hand | manidan - (kwo) purse
148. manteni
- (zwo) maintain (keep up, keep in the same state, sustain (in a state of stability)) | manteni familia - maintain a family
149. margen
- (kwo) margin (of book, of paper); (fig.) border, edge (of anything) | nota pa margen - notes in the margins
150. marshi
- (zwo) march (to walk steadily; to participate in an organized walk) | marsha - (kwo) march (also music)
151. menga
- 1) (kwo) a lot, multitude, large body (of smth) | menga de kwesta - a lot of questions | 2) (syao) "a lot, gathering of" | moskamenga - (kwo) swarm of flies | …
152. meno
- (gramatika) less, fewer | meno kem shi - less than ten | Lu lopi meno kway kem yu. - He runs less quick than you. | Sey gaseta es meno interes-ney kem toy-la. - This…
153. mide
- (kwel) middle, mean; average | midem - (komo) on average | midika - (kwo) average | mida - (kwo) middle, mean | yus in mida de - right in the middle of | …
154. miden
- (konekti) amid, in the middle (of), in the midst (of), among | miden shamba - in the middle of the room | miden amigas - among friends | miden nocha - in the middle of the…
155. migi
- (zwo) blink; wink | miga - (kwo) blink; wink | in miga-taim - in the blink of an eye | Russian
156. mis
- 1) (kwo) miss (a title of respect for a young unmarried woman; an unmarried woman) | See also: sinior, madam | 2) (syao) mis- (in a wrong way) | misyusi - misuse | …
157. miti
- (zwo) meet; encounter | me joi al miti yu - I am glad to meet you | mita - (kwo) meeting; encounter | go pa mita - approach in the opposite direction, come to meet
158. modifiki
- (zwo) modify, make partial changes in | modifika - (kwo) modification
159. momenta
- (kwo) moment, instant | momenta-ney (momente) - (kwel) momentary | momenta-nem (momentem) - (komo) instantly, in a moment
160. mus
- (sta) must | Oli jen mus chi fo jivi. - All people must eat in order to live. | Manya me mus go a ofis. - Tomorrow I must go to the office. | Yu mus bu chi. = You must not…

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