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Search query: Hit
Found in dictionaries: 4
  • >Lidepla lexikon - 4
1. avos
- (komo) hopefully, maybe, perhaps, with luck we may | pa avos - on the off-chance, at random, in a hit-or-miss fashion | Russian
2. bati
- (zwo) beat (hit or strike repeatedly) | bater - (kwo) bat (club); beater | (cf. "darbi")
3. darbi
- (zwo) strike (hit) | darba - (kwo) blow, stroke | Arabic
4. trefi
- (zwo) hit, not miss; overtake, strike, befall, (med.) affect | trefi nishan - hit the target | trefi-ney (trefen) bay kula - bullet-stricken | disasta trefi-te lu - he was…

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