




Leson 1 Leson 3 Leson 4 Leson 5 Leson 6 Leson 7 Leson 8

LEXIKON de lernikursa

Fule lexikon

Leson 2

Kwel es kitaba? kwel - which, what
Kitaba es syao. syao - small
Kitaba bu es gran. Es syao kitaba. gran - big
Kwel es gela? gela - girl
Gela es jamile. jamile - beautiful
Es jamile gela.
indiki-inplas-worda indiki - point, indicate
Se es un kitaba. Sey kitaba es syao. se - this (n.) sey - this, these (adj.)
To es un kitaba toshi. Toy kitaba es gran. to - that (n.) toy - that, those (adj.)
toshi - too, as well, likewise, similarly
1 2
kwel-yuan kwo-yuan
Me vidi un syao kitaba.
Me vidi dwa syao kitaba.
konekti-worda "a" konekti - connect
Lu bu hev kitaba. Me dai may kitaba a lu. dai - to give
Me dai may kitaba a toy boy. boy - boy
Lu diki luy nove kitaba a nu. diki - to show
Lu diki a nu luy nove kitaba. nove - new
1 2 3 4
hu-yuan zwo-yuan hu-yuan 1 a hu-yuan 2
Me dai kitaba a boy.
Me dai kitaba a lu.
Me dai a lu kitaba.
mah-zwo-shwoing imperative
Zwo ba!
Kan ba! Yu vidi ku? kan - to look
Dai a me sey kitaba!
Dai sey kitaba a me!
Sey kitaba es pyu gran kem toy kitaba. pyu - more kem - than
Toy kitaba es meno gran kem sey kitaba. meno - less
Sey kitaba es sam syao kom toy kitaba. sam - in the same way kom - as
Me hev tri kitaba.
Sey kitaba es zuy syao. zuy - most
Sey kitaba es minim gran. minim - least
Sey kitaba es pyu syao kem toy kitaba.
Sey kitaba es pyu syao kem toy-la.
Me hev dwa rosa. Blan-la es pyu jamile kem swate-la. rosa - rose blan - white
swate - black
Me hev mucho flor.
Me pri blu-las pyu kem rude-las. pri - to like blu - blue
Me pri hwan-las zuy. rude - red hwan - yellow
konekti-worda "de"
Es kitaba de Lena.
Es Lena-ney kitaba.
Me hev menga de kitaba. menga - a lot, multitude
Es un tasa de chay. tasa - cup chay - tea
= Es un tasa chay.
Me pi chay kun dwa pes (de) sukra. pi - to drink pes - piece
kun - with sukra - sugar
TAMRIN (exercises)

Tradukti fon lidepla inu inglish (Translate from Lidepla to English):

Kwo es se? Sey kitabas es me-ney.
Kwo es to? Me dai li a yu.
Kwo es? Lekti ba li.
Hu es toy gela? Li bu es gran.
Ob sey gela es jamile? Yur tabla es pyu gran kem may-la.
Ya, ela es jamile. Diki a me yur nove kalam.

Probi tradukti fon inglish inu lidepla (Try translating from English to Lidepla):

How many white roses do you have?
Do you drink much tea?
Is the yellow rose as beautiful as the red one?
Give me three pieces of sugar.
Leson 1 Leson 3 Leson 4 Leson 5 Leson 6 Leson 7 Leson 8