Welcome to the Lingwa de Planeta site!
Swaagat is a Hindi word meaning "Welcome!"
Lingwa de Planeta (abbreviated as LdP or Lidepla) is a new type of international language.
We believe that a global universal language, as a harmonious whole on the basis of most spoken national languages, will necessarily arise in a more or less distant future. Lidepla is a prototype of this future global interlanguage, based on our vision of its obligatory features.
Lingwa de Planeta is a neutral international auxiliary language based on the most widely spoken languages of the world, including English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, and Persian. We attach much importance to psychology: elements of one's own native language in a constructed language evoke positive emotions and increase greatly one's motivation to learn it. And we hope that the bulk of the planet's population may perceive Lidepla not only as neutral, but as a common language with a certain smack of their native tongues.
So the basic idea of Lidepla which distinguishes it from all the other projects is 1) the idea of a universal language inevitably arising; 2) the idea that this will be an a posteriori language unifying 10-12 most spoken world languages and including many non-European elements.
A quick intro to Lidepla
More about the idea
Summary of Lidepla's distinctive features
Lingwa de Planeta is created by a small group of enthusiasts from St. Petersburg. We hope that the Lidepla-community will grow, and we invite everybody who is interested to join us. We are open for discussion and suggestions.
If you are interested, contact us by e-mail or share your ideas in our blog or Lidepla discussion group. We have also a group on Facebook.
Visit Lidepla Wiki and our new site Lideplandia !
We would like to express our gratitude to Jens Wilkinson (Japan), the author of Neo Patwa language, for helping with the English version of our site; to Paul Bartlett and Steve Rice (USA), for their valuable remarks and help with our English-language documents; to Zeinelabidin Elhassi (Libya), the author of Ardano language, as well as to Layla A., for help with Arabic (here are Layla's Arabic vocabulary lists); to Alexander Albrandt (Regensburg, Germany) for translating the reference materials into German; to Dr. Olivier Simon (France), the author of Sambahsa language, for his feedback and ideas; to Jean-Claude Caraco (France); to Gary Dumer (USA) for the software "LdP Lexikon" and for reformatting the grammar.
Ni dankas Attilio Liotto (Italio) pro tradukado de LdP-Esperanta vortaro en la italan.
Fo unitaa de Arda!
For the unity of the Planet!